About Me

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My name is Hannah Meherg. I am a seventh grade English teacher. I am a former ESL teacher, Taiwan resident, theatre junkie, book lover, cookie baker, and baseball stat keeper.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bee Stings and Life

Got a haircut!
Since Penghu, things have been up and down. God has really been dealing with a lot of things in my life.

The time I spent teaching in the US really was harmful to me and my relationship with God. I feel like a lot of poison was put into my life through negative people and situations. When I made the decision to come to Taiwan, Alicia Conn told me that God was going to do great things in my life. I expected it to be difficult. What I didn’t expect was for God to completely knock me on my butt and begin to break down my walls.

Vanessa, Zoe, and I
When I came here, I was very unsure of myself and what my purpose was. I knew God had a purpose for me, but I wasn’t sure what it was. I was unsure about my strengths and very conscious of my weaknesses.
Just for example, some things that God is working on me… Jealousy, Selfishness, Trust, Low Self Esteem.

The past few weeks have seemed to be the best and worst that I have experienced while in Taiwan. I feel a bit like everything has come to a head at the same time.

Me and Abby at her
graduation celebration!
I likened it to when I was a small girl and got stung by a bee. It hurt really bad, right? The stinger was still in my arm and my grandfather had to dig it out! I was afraid for him to do it because it hurt. After he pulled it out, he applied some chewing tobacco (yuck) to the sting. It was smelly and gross, but it pulled the poison out of my sting. If I hadn’t allowed him to pull the stinger out and apply the chewing tobacco, it would not have gotten better. I feel like this is what God is doing. He has pulled out the stinger, but is now applying all these difficult and frustrating circumstances to my life to pull all the poison out. It hurts and is unpleasant, but once it is finished, it will be great!

So the moral of this blog is… I still don’t know everything and everything is not happy and great, but one day I will look back on this and realize that although it was difficult, God was using it to draw poison out of my life!

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