About Me

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My name is Hannah Meherg. I am a seventh grade English teacher. I am a former ESL teacher, Taiwan resident, theatre junkie, book lover, cookie baker, and baseball stat keeper.

About Me!!

Hmmmmmm................ About me. Well my name is Hannah. I am an English teacher currently living in Taiwan and teaching at Tucheng Senior High School. I went to college at The University of West Alabama where I majored in English Language Arts Teacher Certification and graduated in December 2009.

I am a Christian and strive to serve God in everything that I do.

I have an incredible family that I love so much!!

And of course my crazy dog, Lily!

I love to travel. I have been to Honduras, Canada, Mexico, Thailand, Taiwan (duh), England, France, Scotland, China, and India. I still want to go to Italy, Egypt, Israel, Australia and New Zealand, Brazil, Africa...

I have some amazing friends who love me in spite of my craziness.
Vanessa, Robyn, Amanda and I in Penghu!

I love to bake as long as there is someone around to eat it for me.

I could not live without reading. Seriously, I might shrivel up and die.

I watch far too much TV and far too many movies. I love it though!


  1. I love reading your blog and looking at your pictures. Im from south africa and im moving to tainan mid july. Ive never been to asia so im kinda nervous..your blog made me excited...

  2. Awww I'm so glad that it has made you excited! If you have any questions about Tainan, feel free to e-mail me. My e-mail is hannahmeherg@gmail.com
