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My name is Hannah Meherg. I am a seventh grade English teacher. I am a former ESL teacher, Taiwan resident, theatre junkie, book lover, cookie baker, and baseball stat keeper.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother’s Day!!!
We're pretty goofy.

Once again, I am not where I can hug my mother on this day. Last year, on Father’s Day, I wrote a post honoring my wonderful father, so this year I want to honor my even more wonderful mother.

So here are just a few of the life lessons I learned and wonderful things about my Mother!

First, I would like to say that my mom and I have had a tumultuous relationship, especially while in my teens. Dad says it is because we are so similar in temperament. I don’t know. However, as I grew up, our relationship has gotten so strong.

This post was difficult for me to write. I struggled with getting my thoughts on paper.

With my father, it was so easy because many of the lessons are easy to explain. But how does one explain that she has taught me everything I know about life.

But here it goes. Mom, I hope that you enjoy this.

  1. She has been such an example of what a wife and mother is to be. If I can be just half of the woman my mother is, then I will be happy. We call her the Domestic Goddess and Mary Poppins (because she is practically perfect in every way).She stayed at home from the time I was born until I was in high school. We never came home to an empty house. While my other friends were cooking themselves ramen noodles and Mac-n-cheese, I was getting home cooked meals for every meal (she fixed our lunches most of the time). I remember having tea parties and inviting her when I was small. She sewed so many of my clothes. Our house was always clean.
  2. She showed me how strong women can be. While my father traveled for his job, she ran the household. She pays the bills and manages everything for our home. While they make decisions together, she is one of the strongest and most practical women I know.
  3. She taught me how to be a self sufficient person. She taught me how to cook, clean and sew. Because of her, I have never turned my white laundry pink, or had to always eat out. Because of her, I know how to keep a house clean. When I do have a question, she is the one I call.  I don’t know how many women I know who are my age, who can barely cook and don’t have any idea about housekeeping. Because of my mother, I am not one of them.
  4. She showed me what a Godly woman looks like. Every morning, I would get up and go into the living room where she would be having her quiet time or praying. Every morning.
  5. She was always there for me. Because my dad traveled for his job, she is the one who was there for us. She was at my games and concerts. She was at every birthday. If I forgot my lunch or project at home, I called her. She tucked me in at night, singing “Swing Low” to me.
  6. She has such a big heart. My mother is generous to a fault. If you need anything, and it is in her power, she will do it for you or give it to you. When the missions team at her church went to Nicaragua, they reported that many of the girls don’t have a nice dress to wear to church on Sundays. So my mother organized people to sew Pillowcase dresses to send to Nicaragua. She sewed hundreds of them herself! HUNDREDS!!
  7. Even though, she puts herself down and tells you that she isn’t smart, SHE IS!!! She is one of the most practical people I know. She has common sense in spades.
  8. She is the steady influence that keeps the family together. Without her, we would be lost. 

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