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My name is Hannah Meherg. I am a seventh grade English teacher. I am a former ESL teacher, Taiwan resident, theatre junkie, book lover, cookie baker, and baseball stat keeper.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


A few weeks ago, I was attacked (verbally) for my beliefs. I’m not talking about my Christian faith. No I’m talking about the hot topic right now (Homosexuality). It came out of nowhere. I have never openly stated what I believe, because up to this point, I figured if someone knows me and my faith in God, that they would know what I stand for. I had never been asked outright. Even more, I have never doubted what my convictions are.

In my small group, there were some people who were trying to figure out what their convictions were. One of the guys decided that he would write out his thoughts about homosexuality on Facebook. I was the first person to comment on it. I simply said that I was proud of him for expressing his beliefs. I did not state my beliefs, or say I agreed with him. (I do, though) It exploded with vicious comments and arguments. He later removed the post because of the vehement arguments that people were conducting.

Weeks later, I was at a restaurant owned by a foreigner. I was having a great meal with my friends when the owner started talking to us about the writer of that post. He then proceeded to point out that I supported this friend and his beliefs. He began to list all of the reasons that I was wrong and all the reasons that Homosexuality is ok. He asked me what would happen if someone in my family was a homosexual. He told me that Jonathan and David were lovers.  I told him, I didn’t want to discuss it. He got flustered and told me that was my problem.

Instead of handling it well, I just told him again, I didn’t want to talk about it and left it at that.

What I should have said was that I was having a (rare) dinner with my girls and I didn’t want to waste that time talking about something of that nature. I did not bring the subject up, he did. No matter what either of us said, we were not going to change each other’s minds, so why bother wasting time about it.

He didn’t ask either of the other two girls who share the same convictions what they believed. No he attacked me because I supported a friend on his convictions.

I left the restaurant upset and cried on the way home.

I honestly don’t know how, as Christians, we are to handle these situations. I try to love people. I don’t care if you are Homosexual, atheist, Muslim, whatever, I want to show you love. But I don’t have to agree with your choices. I am not forcing anyone to agree with mine. But people who are against Christianity don’t feel the same way. To them, I am hateful and wrong and must be argued with. I don’t like to talk about these kinds of things, because it only makes others angry.

So here is what I believe.
I believe that Homosexuality is a sin.
The Bible says it is and if you believe that the Bible is truth, you can’t argue with this.
We should not condone sin.
I believe that we (as Christians) should continue to show love to Homosexual people.
Jesus ate with prostitutes and lepers.

I don’t know what this world will look like in 20 years (when I’m 46), but I am sure that homosexuality will still be around. We are not going to escape it. I don’t have the answers. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what is going to happen. But I do know this: God knows. He will not abandon us. Perhaps we will continue to be ridiculed for our beliefs. This will be the same until Jesus returns.

But  we must show love.

***** Not that anyone reads this, but please, please, please don't start vicious arguments or tell me that I'm dumb or whatnot... That's the point of this whole post.

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