Step 1: Walk into bathroom, glance in the bathtub, see aforementioned GIANT spider (seriously this thing was huge), and FREEZE in HORROR!
Step 2: Thank the sweet Lord above that you are not deathly afraid of bugs (even though this giant spider is testing your fearlessness). Alternately think of how living on a tropical island has prepared you for dealing with large mutant insects.
Step 3: Assess the situation - Spider is in the bathtub and not likely to jump out at you, however, there is a distinct lack of weapons in the bathroom. Realize that to retrieve a suitable weapon, you would have to take your eyes off of the Godzilla spider (AND THAT ISN'T GONNA HAPPEN)!

Step 5: Grab AquaNet and spray the mess out of GINORMOUS spider. Giggle a little internally as the spider convulses but is essentially frozen in place (AquaNet don't play).
Step 6: Assume that the spider has asphyxiated from the hairspray.
Step 7: Wash the hairspray frozen spider down the drain.
Step 8: Clean the bathtub with scalding hot water and bleach products.
Step 9: Go about the evening trying not to dwell on the fact that one of those GIGANTIC spiders was IN MY HOUSE!!!!!