I have only 15 days until I get on an airplane and head off to the good ole USA for two weeks.

I have five more days of teaching classes, one huge presentation and a looong plane trip before I get to see my family. I am insanely blessed to have this opportunity because I miss my family and friends so much. Christmas was hard but I'm so happy to have the chance to see a lot of people I miss. I will also be home just a few days before my birthday so I get to celebrate before I head back to Taiwan.

So the past few days/ week has been intensely busy. It is all of my own making, but it doesn't change the fact that I have been running around all the time.
Over New Years, I went to Taipei to see Alicia. Her birthday was December 31st, so we celebrated her birthday and 2012 all at once. I arrive in Taipei on Friday afternoon around the same time as Alicia arrived back from work. For the first time, I managed to navigate the Taipei Main Station (which is HUGE) and not get lost. I even managed to find the correct MRT line and buy my token! We got dinner at a nice restaurant, Choir Cafe, and then went and watched "We Bought a Zoo". Awesome movie. If you have time, go watch it! We also sampled some delicious strawberries covered in sugar glaze... Oh my goodness. It is such a good thing I don't live where I can get those! So delicious!
Add capLasion |

On Saturday, we got up fairly late and got ready. We went and ate lunch at MaryJane's pizza which is becoming a regular for us! Then we went to see Joshua. It was a lot of fun and I got to hold him and rock him to sleep! After leaving there, we went and met many of Alicia's friends and church family at a restaurant to celebrate her birthday! Kelly and I schemed and got her a cake and totally managed to surprise her! Alicia and I then went to watch Sherlock Holmes. After the movie, we tried to find a ncie little coffee shop to sit and journal, but alas, it was IMPOSSIBLE! Everything was closing at 11. So we ended up sitting at Daan park and journaling until midnight when we watched the top of Taipei 101 explode with fireworks. We took "last picture of 2011" and "first picture of 2012" photos. We then hoofed it home and I fell asleep instantly.

Sunday morning, we ate delicious waffles and then I headed home on the HSR. For some reason, I had this sense that I really needed to go on home. Nothing happened and I'm still not sure what the reason was, but it was very strong and I don't like to ignore strong feelings like that. f
So the rest of the week has been busy with walking with Vanessa, Chinese class, School (of course) and working on a powerpoint for my inservice the 18-20th.
Vanessa's first official shift! |
On a side note, the weather here has been sooooo very cold, and last night it was raining and cold. Boo. I am sleeping in sweatpants and socks which has never happened in my life. It is very very cold.
Elizabeth and Vanessa - I love them! |